Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: D. Cousineau

THIS ruling is a absolute threat to rural farmers,land owners, water rights.of water boards . IT will Stop or control all of our input choices for any. farmer in the great lake watershed or well owner in the water table IT can be owned by big money and foreign entities even climate activist , to stop AND REMOVE farming on private farm lands with strong arm of water AND ENVIRONMENT as a asset class to be sold. State and federal even county parks, streams rivers ,and ditches and water tables with feed from the Lakes like the Great lakes it removes the asset from choice of land owners and private land from local governments.Then IT places ownership and control of all large natural resources into the hands of the RULING Wealthy ELITE CLASS THIS IS A OUTRIGHT THEFT OF LAND OWNERs The RIGHTS TO FARM. transferring RIGHTS OF citizens and local control TO WALL STREET AND the ELITE WEALTHY CLASS who will controll by purchasing the natural resources of this nation, states and counties that currently belong to the citizens Under NAC monetization. they will no longer belong to the citizen Who s political agenda will own them Blackrock /Fink B Gates. the Radical Left or maybe Just China , Russia OPEC. BRICS nations. A wealthy capitalist or countries who goal is to quash competition . This Matter of National Security