Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Arthur Longtin

I am 100% AGAINST allowing Natural Asset Companies (NAC’s) to sell off public US lands or any other property! I am AGAINST changing public policy to allow private entities to sell off public land/property for purposes that may be harmful/destructive to the nation as a whole or could be manipulated to favor adversarial individuals/nations in attempts to do harm to the American people. There are too many current loopholes in American law that allow foreign countries to operate private companies in the US. Such companies could use this type of law/regulation to purchase American public land/property and thus deny the US the right to use that land for purposes that would genuinely benefit the American people. For these reasons and also because of genuine concerns that I have on how this proposed rule could be abused/wrongly used, I am AGAINST this proposed rule change. Thank you for your attention!