Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Kathryn Ewertz

I am appalled at the proposal to form these Natural Asset Companies and allow them on NYSE. This would grant them permission and complete control of private, federal land and its resorces.This land is sacred to many who believe in creation and divine providence. It is not to become a source of income for the rich and elite. These foundations sell a false narrative about climate change to enrich themselves and steal from the American people. They will not protect this great land and its natural resources but open them up for potential takeover by the very adversaries of this nation or give them over to non citizens who do not respect our republic and way of life. No, this cannot be approved, cannot move forward. This is the land of freedom, ordained by God and must not be sold off to the highest bidder to make their portfolio green. These lands should fall solely within the jurisdiction and protection of local conservative organizations in the states where they are located and away from any influence by federal government or entities seeking financial gain. I will press upon our reasonable, conservative legislators to stop this at all costs. Submitted in complete protest of this proposal to SEC.