Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: AJM (Individual)

As a native born American, and unfortunately of the Corporation of the United States, I demand that you may not sell, usurp ownership, deny access, nor trade publicly declared land, nor inherent rights, or authorities over any property currently deemed public lands within the borders of said corporation OR the held lands of American national parks, OR land given to in part or whole to Native American or indigenous peoples. The SEC has no authority to consider the paper or digital ownership or usurping of control of privately or publicly owned by any declared asset control company or entities whatsoever. The Intrinsic Exchange Group has disguised themselves as a conservation entity whose actual stated objective is to acquire property and dominion over property through autocracy and not through the use of laws, statutes, or regulated real estate practices currently legal in America. They seek to establish a new method of acquiring land by constructing dominion over the rights of land owners and the public interest to profit, gain, limit usefulness of, deny access to, redirect natural resources of, and take advantage of land that would never otherwise become under the control of the Intrinsic Exchange Group. The very idea that a corporation would interfere with the land given and secured and managed by the people for the people for private profit or gain in any way is vulgar and in no way legitimate. Natural Asset Companies have no right to our resources as this will undoubtedly open the gates for other investors countries to exploit the land under the natural asset companies control.. They may NOT OWN NOR CONTROL OUR property or RESOURCES. Indeed, The process they are attempting to construct is not legitimate and cannot be considered by the honored and long established Security Exchange Commission. Thank you.