Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Cassidy Johnston

Foreign governments should not have the right to own or lease "natural assets" in the United States, full stop, and allowing these governments or even private American individuals to purchase or lease land for "conservation" purposes is shenanigans. These lands can and should be leased or purchased by Americans who have the ability and skills to manage land properly--aka American ranchers. This rule would make it even harder for ranchers to obtain or hold onto grazing leases, and allowing land to go unused ("conservation") is a great way to fast-track its decline and is not conservation at all. Rangelands in the United States evolved alongside large ruminant grazers (bison) and must be grazed (properly) to maintain their ecological integrity. We can use cattle to do this while also providing livelihoods, food security, and a source of high-quality protein to America and the world. Scrap this rule, and stop relying on people who have no idea about land use and conservation to help you write your rules and laws about land use and conservation.