Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Kerstin Harper

This is to express my opposition to the creation of Natural Asset Companies (NACs). NACs will enable the selling of our country’s public and private lands, waters and even air to private interests to preclude the productive use of such resources, or limit use to activities deemed 'sustainable' by some obscure bureaucratic or corporate entity not subject to citizens' input. The SEC's creation of NACs not only represents an unconstitutional restriction on individual Americans’ property rights and other freedoms, but would also make possible the control of US natural assets by foreign powers that may be hostile to the interests of this country and its citizens. As you know, a whole new accounting framework would be established under a so-called Intrinsic Exchange Group (IEG) to value these assets. Not coincidentally, the NYSE, which is asking the SEC to establish NACs, is an investor in IEG and would stand to profit off the IEG’s position as an accounting authority. Surely, there is a conflict of interest here. The whole NAC initiative begs for review and oversight by Congress, which is the proper authority to enact such policies. Therefore, I urge the Commission to stop the implementation of the proposed Rule SR-NYSE-2023-09, or at a minimum extend the time available for public comment.