Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Angie Eberspacher

Committee: I am writing in OPPOSITION to the proposed Natural Asset Companies Rule for several reasons: 1. The SEC has no authority to confiscate and transfer the management and ownership of our country’s land, water, air, and natural resources/parks to anyone. 2. This power move is unconstitutional. 3. This rule would allow foreign governments to control our land, water, air, and natural resources. It is unconscionable to turn over control of our country to foreign investors/interests, and even more so by doing it with a back-door approach. America is not for sale! 4. If this rule would be passed, it would be the beginning of the end of farming in America. Not only would the livelihood of my family be eliminated, but also for my children and grandchildren. Further, it would create a food and products shortage that would be detrimental to the entire world. I would think ramifications such as these would be obvious, stopping anyone from pushing this agenda. This rule is essentially stealing America and giving it away to elitists and foreign governments. It will enslave Americans and destroy our country. Our nation was built upon self-reliance and the pioneering spirit. This rule, and any other like it, should NEVER be implemented in America. I ask that you permanently abandon this proposal. Thank you.