Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Terri Hall

We vehemently implore the SEC to NOT approve the creation of a new asset class known as Natural Asset Companies (NACs). It will allow investors such as Blackrock, Bill Gates, and likely China to hold our ecosystem rights for land, water, air, and natural processes of the properties enrolled in NACs — including our National Parks! NACs will give elite investors a means to profit from the protected lands created by the 30x30 agenda, which is the permanent protection of at least 30 percent of our land and oceans by 2030. This will drive middle class American’s off their land, creating total political and financial control of our natural resources by private and governmental entities -- stripping millions of Americans of their natural rights, the most sacred of which is property rights. The SEC is Americans' watchdog to protect our rights and protect every citizen from abuses by corporate entities that seek to profit off of what is not theirs. NACs will create new rights out of thin air for arbitrarily valued “natural processes.” These processes are clean air and other natural functions no one has a right to own. Even our National Parks, National Wildlife Refuges, National Monuments, Wilderness Areas, and the Bureau of Land Management lands placed in conservation status will become assets for private profiteers. This must never be allowed to happen. Our very national treasures that all Americans can enjoy would come under the control of for-profit entities, or foreign enemies like China, who will put profit over people or be weaponized to keep Americans from enjoying or using public lands that their taxes paid for. NACs would have management, and, hence, control over public and private land, essentially erasing ALL property rights across America -- without the consent of the governed (we the people). NACs would be “sustainably managed,” prohibiting any use of the resources that are not regenerative. That means no mining, oil and gas, or any other activity that can be arbitrarily defined as “unsustainable." Just today another article came out about 'green' energy waste and how it's just as bad or WORSE than traditional fossil fuel powered processes ( However, the radical Left's environmental agenda would classify their arbitrarily decided 'green' policies as 'sustainable' and those they differ with politically to be 'unsustainable,' wreaking havoc on the the free market and property rights of individuals and companies, prohibiting them from the productive use and enjoyment of their own property (in many industries on which the American way of life depends). Since there is no prohibition against foreign investment in NACs, the Chinese Communist Party and other enemy states could buy up the rights to and forcibly inhibit or prohibit most uses of our private property without EVER compensating landowners, and restrict land uses to a degree that would cripple American independence in virtually every market, bringing America to her knees, which poses a grave national security threat. DO NOT approve these NACs. The risks exponentially outweigh any perceived benefits here. The very nature of these NACs are unconstitutional on its face, that divine new rights that no one has the right to own, while concurrently undermining the foundational natural and constitutional rights Americans do have. Do everything in your power to prevent this overreach.