Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Claire Black

I couldn't be more AGAINST this elaborate scheme for the UNITED NATIONS 2030 SUBSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AGENDA (30x30) if I tried! To RELINQUISH CONTROL of America's land to FOREIGN COUNTRIES and ENTITITES ... well you just might as well give them all of the UNITED STATES GOLD at Fort Knox also! It's basically the same exact thing! What most people aren't realizing is that if these NACs get CONTROL of ag property and take it out of production "to save the earth from serfs", the property owners lose their AG EXEMPTIONS and will have to pay full taxable value on their acreage! This could cause them to lose their property - which I have a feeling is the goal anyway! I know who CONvinced you to try this new "investment vehicle". And the fact that you did it during the Holiday Season to hide it just proves how nefarious this "investment vehicle" is! NO TO THE NAC!!! And don't try this sneaky action again! It's unbecoming of your position in America!