Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: F. Espe

I am writing in strong OPPOSITION to the proposed rule change that would enable the creation of Natural Asset Companies. The Securities and Exchange Commission, along with the New York Stock Exchange, has no business or authority ceding control of public lands to the whims and financial benefit of private or foreign entities. It's clear that the traditional methods and practices of accounting will need to be twisted and contorted in order to make this entire scheme possible. As noted by Margaret Byfield in RealClearMarkets: "A new accounting framework would be created by the Intrinsic Exchange Group (IEG). Not coincidentally, the NYSE is an investor in IEG, and would stand to profit off the IEG’s position as an accounting authority." When a person invests in a piece of property, they do not get to profit simply from holding onto the land and not using it to produce goods and services. If a wealthy private entity believes strongly enough in the ecological value of land conservation, they are free to purchase private land and hold onto it at their own expense. And in no uncertain terms should they ever be allowed to purchase and/or profit from the mere holding or acquisition of public lands. This proposed rule change MUST be rejected entirely.