Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Charles Boyle

I do not support the creation of Natural Asset Companies (NAC's). I oppose the securitizing of public land into NACs. I am especially concerned that this proposal could result in privatization of our National Parks, BLM land, Forest Service land, etc. If public lands now managed by the federal government were controlled by private interests, the public's ability to access and enjoy public lands will be adversely affected. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis showed that in 2021 the outdoor recreation industry generates $821 billion nationwide in economic activity. NAC's will become restrictive for users and will harm the local economy and rob them of income. Allowing a few corporations to benefit from public land will be catastrophic to our nation. NAC's will restrict access for all user groups. Public lands should benefit the public and not corporations. Because the social and economic impact of NACs will be substantial, the creation of NACs through an SEC rule making is likely a violation of the Major Questions Doctrine. Only Congress should be enacting policy changes of this magnitude. Finally, I don't think enough analysis has been done to scrutinize the possibility of foreign adversaries to the U.S. using NACs to undermine our national security, lock up our lands and resources, and hurt our local communities. Reject the urge to monitize our public lands and lock American citizens out in the process.