Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Richard Weiss

I oppose Natural Asset Companies (NAC). The whole concept of NAC's is suspect. The SEC is a group of un-elected bureaucrats creating a NAC out of thin air, that sells American resources to entities or foreign actors that don't have America's best interests at heart. You can't sell Natural Resources that belong to the American People. What gives you that right? Stop it!!! Abandon this idea of NACs. I see no benefit for Americans in the development of NAC. It would create another layer/excuse for the government / elites to tax the public. We are taxed enough already, and we aren't seeing any benefits. In fact, we would be losing our Right & Freedom to go on and use Public Lands. The American people need leaders and policy makers that we can hold Accountable. These NACs are some nebulous un-accountable group, that the people can't vote in or out or complain to. This NAC idea needs to be rejected. Out West we have enough problems with Water Rights, and we are arguing with Local, Elected Officials. We sure don't need some un-elected bureaucrats, from New York or Washington D.C., mucking this topic up more than it already is. Reject this idea. Reject NAC's