Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Rod S. Hans

I wish to state that the potential economic and social destruction caused by the improper implementation of this agenda will be far worse than if nothing was done at all. I am all for doing the right thing but it is unreasonable to trust the people and their obviously bias dispositions to implement such a complicated plan. To succeed in the task at hand, more than the current promoters will need to be engaged in the development and implementation process. As it is currently laid out, this agenda will have the exact opposite of the stated objective. If it can't be implemented without destabilizing and disenfranchising the tens of millions of citizens it will likely effect then it shouldn't be implemented. The current plan is very questionable and like so many other plans that have had predictably bad results, not worked out enough to start implementation. Until many more relevant experts and citizen stakeholders are involved in the process and all of the potential negative results are not an issue, this agenda should not go forward.