Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Steven Kovacs

First and foremost, I oppose the SEC proposed rule change to permit future listings of common equity securities of Natural Asset Companies (NACs) for an important reason, namely national security. The United States of America comprises an enormous number of ecosystems with valuable natural resources located in and on federal property. Implementation of the proposed rule change would allow foreign governments, including adversarial ones, the opportunity to purchase securities of NACs and ultimately control the management of our ecosystems. Unintentional or intentional mismanagement of our natural resources in these areas pose a national security risk. Our adversaries could easily weaken the United States, economically and militarily by denying the ability to tap our natural resources like minerals, rare earth metals and vast supplies of petroleum resources. Furthermore, radical environmental groups could use the aforementioned proposed rule change in a way that prohibits productive use of natural resources due to their belief humans destroy the environment during natural resource development. Again, this position by radical environmentalists poses a national security risk. The United States Government must maintain its own sovereignty by opposing the proposed SEC rule change regarding NACs.