Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Victoria Wendel

Who proposes these stupid things and why are they presumed to be the go to when citizens must find out about them and make the effort to make a comment. We should vote on this not let special interests dictate our national policies and slip things in under the radar. Why all the secrecy? Why all the lies? Why all of the disrespect to citizens? WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF? In case you can't tell, I AM AGAINST THIS PROPOSAL AND THE PROCESS BY WHICH IT IS ATTEMPTED TO BE IMPLEMENTED!!!! YOU DO NOT!!!!! HAVE MY PERMISSION TO USE MY INFO FOR ANY OTHER REASON THAN THE ONE SPECIFIED HEREIN. STOP SHOVING AGENDA 2030 CRAP DOWN OUR THROATS!!!! ELECTRIC CARS AREN'T WORKING OUT EITHER!!! ASK THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY. STOP!!!!!!! THE MADNESS!!!!