Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Anonymous

I am totally opposed to the proposed rule# SR-NYSE-2023-09. These NACs are not needed for protecting or managing public lands since our federal land management agencies have rules that protect our public lands from misuse. Putting these lands on the NYSE as NACs would take away these protections. NACs and any associated or similar type of entity should be prohibited. Since public lands are for the benefit and use of all Americans, they shouldn't be able to be sold to NACs(or anyone or any entity!), which could be owned or controlled, in part or wholly, by foreign entities. Allowing our public lands to be put under the control of foreign entities would present a national security problem and should not be permitted to happen. I understand these NACs would prevent productive use of land and this could lead to a reduction in the supply of food, minerals, and other goods that come from the land which the American people need for nourishment and energy to power homes, vehicles, businesses, etc. This is extremely detrimental. I also oppose the fact that the NACs wouldn't have to follow generally accepted accounting practices. If they don't have to do that, they could attribute any kind of value they want to things like air and water even if they don't allow the land to be used, which makes absolutely no sense. I realize that there is some financial and political pressure/incentive to go forward with allowing these NACs but please do the right thing for the US and our public lands and stop this proposed rule and these NACs.