Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Kristin Hall

I recently became aware of this proposal and could not be more horrified that such a significant change to our financial system has received so little public scrutiny and debate (by obvious design). I am in agreement with all of the concerns raised by Senator Crapo and others in the letter they recently sent you on this topic. It appears that we are on the verge of auctioning off Mother Nature herself to the highest bidder, , including but not limited to foreign oligarchs. The proposal has the WEF, BlackRock and all of the other usual suspects written all over it, and appears to be yet another attempt to foist their "Degrowth" dreams on an unsuspecting public, while greatly enriching themselves in the process. The fact that it was introduced during the holiday season with an initial public comment period of only a couple of weeks says it all. The proposal goes far beyond what any federal agency should be permitted to do without Congressional involvement. Please remove it from consideration until a plan to solicit meaningful public input is developed, including appropriate coverage in the press so that the issue receives the attention it deserves, since at the moment almost no one is aware of it.