Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Charlotte Patterson

As a private citizen and land owner, I was very concerned to learn about the SEC’s proposal to create publicly traded companies that will “manage” our natural resources. The creation of Natural Asset Companies that will have “stewardship” over natural resources that are assets of the nation and its people as a whole seems to go against our constitutional rights as private property owners and our sovereignty as a nation. How can private companies regulate properties that are federally owned? Why would a country agree to open up private investment and control of natural resources to foreign investors that would include nations that do not have our national interests at heart and who are considered enemy nations? A country must guard its own sovereignty and the resources that support its citizens or it will fail, as outside interests take control of its sustaining assets. The commentary period for the proposed rule change is over, but the commentary period seemed excessively short and the vote is scheduled to come right after a busy holiday season. Not an adequate time to register comments or to resolve concerns.