Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Erik Heinrich

As a proud and loyal citizen of the United States of America, a country to which my parents immigrated for it's values and rights enshrined in our Constitution, I vehemently oppose SR-NYSE-2023-09. This action removes individual property rights and places undue limits and restrictions on land and related assets that are in conflict with the intentions and writings of the founders of our great nation intended to ensure that a tyrannical government cannot usurp the agency of its citizens. SR-NYSE-2023-09 diminishes the rights of a land owner and entitles the government and financial beneficiaries to influence economic, social, and commercial outcomes with unbalanced power to control and deny the rights of sovereign citizens and the use of their personal property. Under the guise of a "greater good" it will legalize the theft of potential value by its rightful owners to transfer that potential to powerful financially motivated organizations far removed from the ownership of the land. I once again state my opposition for SR-NYSE-2023-09 and protest any actions taken by your agency to facilitate, or fail to prevent this theft of personal property rights. SR-NYSE-2023-09 is as un-American and as fraudulent a concept as one may imagine. I urge you to reconsider what will ultimately wind up in the Supreme Court at great taxpayer expense, ultimately to be found unconstitutional. Respectfully, Erik Heinrich First Generation American God Bless America and its Constitution