Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Gretchen Petersen

No to the creation and implementation of "NACS". This is a UN scheme to allow foreign entities to control our energy, land, food, minerals and timber. Our assets will be held hostage to drive social climate change, degrowth, and box people who disagree out of the economy. Under NACS, full control over the land, parks, farms and resources (currently maintained by the taxpayers) will be given to hostile foreign countries and corporations. NACS would exist to purchase the rights to private and public land, permanently locking it away for human contact. This proposal, if implemented would have a calamitous effect on rural economies by removing the land from productive use. Energy extraction, modern agriculture and other economically critical activities would disappear on NAC protected land. The federal government should give our federal lands back to the states, so the voters can decide how to manage their land. Honor the 10th amendment!