Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Mark Barrett

I am opposed to allowing the creation of natural asset companies. A private company cannot own the land, water and air the we breath. These are the commons shared by us all. Have you considered that foreign nations who are adversarial with the United States can invest in these companies and effectively stop oil and gas drilling, farming, timber harvesting, etc? Have you considered that allowing these companies is not even constitutionally allowed? If these types of companies are to be allowed ought not the Congress be the ones to debate this so that every state representative has the opportunity for their voices to be heard? Under what statutes and authority is the Securities and Exchange Commission legally able to allow the creation of companies that will effectively transfer ownership of government and private land to a natural asset company? These are just a few questions. There are so many more. Do not move forward on this. Let Congress decide after a robust public debate.