Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Mary Ann Johnston

So many questions need to be answered regarding the "need" for a National Asset Company, NAC. The biggest answer is more money and power. Why would I want to hand over my beloved National Parks, my family's farmland that has been in the family for over 125yrs and the ranching community in which I have a connection with in the Southwest over to a bunch of wealthy private investors or Foreign countries with communist governments like China and Russia who do not have the better interest of the American people, nor the public’s economic well-being in mind. I have lived in varying communities, I have lived on cattle ranches, dairy farms and spent a great deal of time actually living in a National Park. Beware of an environmentalist who does not seek to understand both sides of how using the land improves the land for man and wildlife. Many of these so called environmentalist use policies for their ulterior motivate which is at the expense of ranchers, farmers, miners. An economic downfall is not just on these land owners when they will be subject to the NAC, but the American people by the reduced minerals, food supply and other goods that come from this purely disastrous proposed rule. This rule leaves me wondering just what is the NYSE and the SEC really after? Another attack on the American people from the inside to destroy our Nation, for those who can control the land and food supply can control the people. I urge that this NAC rule be stopped and quit empowering bureaucrats who are not elected by the People, for the People.