Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: India Lowe

To Whom it May Concern: I write to you today to vehemently object to the adoption of SR-NYSE-2023-09. Because the Biden administration intends to enroll publicly held lands into NACs, public lands lawfully under the purview of Congress (who has delegated authority to BLM) would transition to control and oversight by an unelected corporate board with broad “management authority” over their use. Transitioning managing authority of publicly held lands to a for-profit board of executors, who will seek to monetize "assets" through loosely defined licensure practices; unsubstantiated revenue sources like "carbon credits"; and foreign investment in US lands, would be executed in violation of the rights of the lawful land owners - the taxpaying citizens of America. The adoption of NACs will place the exclusive right to capriciously monetize natural resources, such as air and water, in the hands of financially motivated investment bankers. Adoption of NACs as an investment tool would be antithetical to a free-market economy and should not be approved by the SEC. Regards, I. Lowe