Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Ryan Gaskin

The (SEC) proposed rule, SR-NYSE-2023-09, would enable radical environmentalists in the Biden administration to sell off to the Chinese Communist Party and other investors federal lands, water and even air via so-called “Natural Asset Companies” (NACs) on the condition that they would preclude virtually any productive use of such resources. Private land owners may also be impacted. There is zero justification, on environmental or any other grounds, to sell off US lands to investors, many of who do not have the best interests of United States and its people at heart. Further, so call investments of this type that effectively monetize natural resources (water and air for example), takes that which naturally belongs to everyone and sells control of the resource to unelected and unaccountable domestic and foreign agencies. That, among these agencies, is included Communist China, a country whose governing party does NOT have our country's best interests at heart is aparticularly onerous outcome of adopting this proposed but ill advised rule.