Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Gregory McCormick

Dec. 13, 2023 Securites and Exchange Commission Secretary Vanessa Countryman 100 F Street NE Washington, DC 20549‐1090 RE: SR‐NYSE‐2023‐09, Proposed Rule Change to Amend the NYSE Listed Company Manual to Adopt Listing Standards for Natural Asset Companies Secretary Countryman, It is my considered opinion as a private citizen that owns lands potentially impacted by the proposed amendment to the rule to allow Natural Asset Companies undermines the sovereignty, national security, and prosperity of the People of the United States. Additonally, it very likely violates the Fifth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. The rule closely resembles the policies of Mao’s Great Leap Forward, the Soviet nationalization of Ukrainian farms, and the Cuban/Venezuelan appropriation of all capital by the totalitarian regimes. The rule that is so broad as to establish new federal law (without the consent or action of the Congress). It would far exceed the parameters of the Sackett v. EPA ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States in 2023. The government, via ruling by the SEC is attempting a fascist subversion of the Constitution. Utilizing corporations to enforce authoritarian application of dubious “green” policy aims by the administration is a clear violation of the separation of powers and blatantly unconstitutional. It would undermine the National Security by allowing foreign firms to control vital resources and deny use of those resources to the lawful citizenry of the United States. Sincerely, Gregory McCormick