Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Vanessa Alabarces

To Whom it May Concern, I strongly oppose the rule that would allow the publicly traded class of Natural Asset Companies (NAC's). NAC's will operate and profit off lands they do not own and do not understand the needs of. Turning over land management control to NAC's and their investors cuts out local stakeholders, land managers, and landowners from the decision-making process. This is impractical, unwise, and likely violates standing law and policy. Investments in NAC's via the NYSE will exclude many American citizens who lack the money to invest in the stock market. Yet this scheme will allow mostly wealthy individuals/corporations and, potentially, foreign entities. This is not a wise or equitable position to take. It will benefit the most wealthy and powerful while sidelining the people most affected by this scheme. It is also a way to circumvent our legislative process and the rights of American citizens, forcing the use of our land and resources as a NAC decides is best and "sustainable." This will undermine the collaborative process that currently balances the management and use of our public lands with local needs and issues. Again, NACs would operate contrary to federal law and policy, and for that reason alone they should not be allowed on the NYSE by the SEC. Please, deny the NYSE's proposed rule change for NAC's and protect our nation and our citizens.