Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Brent J. Thompson

I oppose creating and listing the new type of company called a Natural Asset Company (NAC) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). I feel the proposal poses a significant risk for access and natural use of both public and private lands, especially in rural communities, by creating a mechanism for these lands to be permanently removed from productive use for the sole benefit of the "good standing" of corporations and foreign agencies that have the money to buy up these invented "rights". Instead, this land-rights holding will remove or restrict rights of citizens currently using these lands, resulting in a financial burden for them. Where foreign agencies obtain these rights the imposed policies could be counter to the interests of the U.S.A. Furthermore, these companies in most cases will likely produce little to nothing, and make little to no monetary profit from holding these "rights". That makes their listing a misleading representation in the NYSE, which has always listed reputable public companies for financial investment, not for social "good standing", which is a subjective concept rather than a tangible asset. This whole concept will lead to financial trouble for both investors, who are supposed to be protected by the NYSE and SEC, and land users.