Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: David Leon

To Whom It May Concern: I am writing on behalf of Forterra NW, the largest land trust in the state of Washington. We have been active for 35 years and have assembled a portfolio of over 17,000 acres of conservation land across the state. We acquire and manage these lands with a combination of state, local, and federal grant funds and philanthropic donations. Our belief is that natural resources have economic value when left in place, not just when extracted. Whether it is absorption and sequestration of carbon dioxide, or fostering biodiversity and clean water, natural ecosystems deliver critical value to human populations. We support the proposal by Intrinsic Exchange Group to allow the establishment Natural Asset Corporations, a class of publicly traded companies to reflect this value and to promote investment in natural ecosystems. The establishment of NACs could help to establish reliable, ongoing funding for organizations such as ours, to sustainably manage our properties for the benefit of all the people of Washington state, and to fund opportunities to further grow our conservation lands portfolio. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Sincerely, David Leon Vice President, Real Estate Forterra NW