Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Individual American citizen karen titus

The proposed rule, if implemented, could have significant negative consequences for the environment, local communities, and the economy. One of the main concerns with the proposed NACs listing rule is that it could lead to the commodification of natural resources and the environment. This could result in the exploitation of natural resources for short-term profit, without taking into account the long-term consequences for the environment and local communities. Another concern is that the proposed rule could lead to the concentration of ownership of natural resources in the hands of a few large corporations. This could result in the exclusion of local communities from decision-making processes that affect their livelihoods and the environment. In addition, the proposed rule could lead to the creation of a new financial bubble, as investors rush to invest in NACs without fully understanding the risks involved. This could result in a financial crisis that would have serious consequences for all Americans.