Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Hooman Mohajeri

I am writing to firmly express my opposition to the proposed rule change by the New York Stock Exchange. The rule, which would permit the public trading of Natural Access Companies (NACs), is deeply concerning. NACs, due to their lack of direct experience and understanding, fail to grasp the unique characteristics and needs of the local communities they impact. Their approach to land management, often based on generic concepts of sustainability, lacks real-world insight into the specific lands and communities involved. By transferring land management control to NACs and their investors, this rule effectively excludes local communities, stakeholders, and landowners from crucial decision-making processes. Such a shift not only jeopardizes the welfare of our local communities but also disproportionately benefits the investor class. The irreversible damage this could inflict on local lands and communities, for the sake of further enriching an already wealthy investor class, is unacceptable and must be opposed.