Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Christel Swasey

A friend let me know that this proposed rule was created and that public comment time was strangely shortened. I object to both the rule and the shortened public comment time. No private company should ever be able to assert any control over land that it does not own or have authority over with the consent of the owner, whether private or public. This is simple common sense. It appears that this sly new rule would allow any corporations ( including potential foreign enemies) to control our own economy and impact our national defense using OUR public property, that we each own as US citizens. This is obviously a threat to the American people and will not be ok with them, once the perverse scheme finally becomes fully and widely known. As one who lives very near public lands, I specifically vote against this rule change. Citizens do have the right to vote, but corporations do not! It is absolutely your responsibility to protect all Americans from this scheme. I expect this to be thrown out fast, as it should never even have been brought to be, especially with this shortened comment period. Cease and desist.