Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Rae McWhirter

Federal lands belong to the people and have been managed, using our tax dollars since the establishment of Yellowstone National Park in 1872 by Ulysses S. Grant. His intention was to prevent the very exploitation being proposed now as have many other notable presidents. The entire point of federalizing national parks and other publicly-owned lands is to protect them from being exploited by privatized interests. Since tax dollars from every citizen have been used since the inception of the Act to protect these lands, you have no right to make a determination on these lands without the express approval of EVERY living taxpayer. Therefore, if a change is to be made, it MUST be made by the people of the United States via a vote. We are having a federal election just around the corner in 2024. If this is to be done fairly, transparently, and properly, put it on the ballot. Let’s see if the citizens wish for a change in the long established protections of these lands. The 21-day comment you have provided to taxpayers for comment is far too short a period, and there has been no effort to publicize the proposed rule change. Let us not be so hasty to make decisions that would be impossible to resend. Please, do tell, what is the rush?