Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Brian Beames

I desire to provide the observation that America has already established laws and practices to protect the environment. This has been done without the existence of an NAC thus rendering the creation of an NAC unnecessary. Therefore, the only reason why an entity would desire to create an NAC is for power over people. Please notice that this power was not granted to them by the vote of the people. This is unconstitutional and should be challenged. Additionally, the creation of an NAC will only lead to the wasting of time of individuals due to the conflicts which are sure to happen. For example, conflicts are sure to rise between NAC's and landowners. Who's rights are more important? This is something which is sure to potentially reach the Supreme Court. As other commenters have noted, foreign adversaries are sure to take advantage of this loophole which will not work for American interests. I hate to be condescending in this case, but frankly, don't you think that is kind of stupid?