Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Todd Heins

Reading through the posted comments I can see those in favor tend to be large law firms. This proposal appears to be submitted by companies and individuals eager to profit from controlling a $100 trillion public asset. From the proposal:--- "The NAC will be prohibited from engaging directly or indirectly in unsustainable activities. These are defined as activities that cause any material adverse impact on the condition of the natural assets under its control, and that extract resources without replenishing them (including, but not limited to, traditional fossil fuel development, mining, unsustainable logging, or perpetuating industrial agriculture). The NAC will be prohibited from using its funds to finance such unsustainable activities."----- What unelected group of individuals will decide what the NAC can do? Will this allow our adversaries to control our ability to provide for ourselves and those who depend on our agriculture and natural resources? How is creating an NAC, a group of nameless corporate investors hidden behind huge law firms, going to stop "perpetuating industrial agriculture"? How will allowing our adversaries to control our public lands benefit our citizens and the environment? --- This rule does nothing to ensure a better world for our posterity. It merely enriches the wealthy climate aristocracy at the expense of the serfs they are endeavoring to create. Please do not pass this proposal.