Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2021-60
From: Kory Amyx

Oct. 18, 2021

This rule change is disturbing at the very least & at best displays how manipulative the NYSE truly is. 
  “ would permit the Chair of the Board of the Exchange, or the CEO, or 
the officer designee of the Chair or the CEO, to  suspend trading in any and all securities trading on the Exchange whenever in his or her opinion such suspension would be in the public interest.”     This change would allow those individuals listed to halt trading based on an opinion. Opinions are emotion based statements & lack any measurable facts. This power should fall on the SEC not the Chair or the CEO or officer designee.  
  Furthermore, this rule change goes out of its way stating “on the exchange” & goes on later to state  “Such a suspension would not impact the ability of NYSE-listed securities to trade on an unlisted trading privileges basis other markets.”   
  With dark pool abuse in many stocks rising to between 60%-70% it is obvious this ruling intends to take the Game Stop situation in January 2021 where the buy button was turned off & turn it into a legal ruling preventing retail investors from trading while protecting market makers & hedge funds to continue to exchange off exchange. This further allows for hedge funds & others involved to gain required capital needed to avoid margin calls further condoning their malicious shorting ventures & truly jeopardizing the once great american stock market.  
  This rule change does not protect investors, it protects hedge funds & market makers & is an example of how corruption writes rules condoning their own nefarious actions.  

- signed, 
Kory A.