Subject: SPARC
From: Tom Slawinski

Aug. 24, 2021

To Whom it May Concern, 

As an owner of over 9,100 shares of common stock of PSTH I would like to throw my support behind the idea of SPARC. 

As investors are currently aware, the SEC has intensified scrutiny of SPACs this year due to the advantages it provides founders and sponsors over the inherent risks and poor value to retail. While this should increased oversight should be applauded due to the risk of capital loss for future vehicles it has chilled the sector and left many SPACs trading at significant discounts to their prices earlier in the year.  

SPARC has the opportunity to act as a warrant that provides the same benefit to investors who are interested in getting at the ground floor of a merger, without special favor or access, and with the right and ability to either buy the merger after announcement or sell the right on the open market. 

We agree SPACs need reform and I believe that Bill Ackman's vehicle is an opportunity to do just that without investors holding large sums of money indefinitely and giving them the right to see the acquisition target and terms before large amounts of capital are deployed.  

Please consider approving this so as to provide investors with an alternative to a current sector  that has cost many retail traders both time and money while profiting sponsors/founders in the process.  


Thomas Slawinski, LCSW