Subject: Psth

Aug. 27, 2021

I am a little guy, I have never had a substantial amount of money, by the way I also support a family of 8, during the covid crash, I decided to scrap together what I had and put it into the market, fortune favors the bold right? I got lucky, and turned a little amount of money into a little more, I felt like a genius! I felt like I can do this! like I can save a substantial amount of money, like maybe the American dream is not just a  dream, and I can actually afford things, like health care for my family,  btw I’m not joking, maybe I don’t have to work myself to the bones just to barely scrape by…..then the GameStop saga happened, see It had turned out that, that  little amount of money turned into a bigger amount of money to me anyways, and i thought, I was on top of the world as far as investing, then I cashed out, should of took my winnings and  walked  away right? But,  it wasn’t enough, it wasn’t enough to even think about taking your winnings and walking away see I thought I was good at investing, it actually turned out I wasn’t as good as I thought, and I went on a series of losses, it turned out at that point I need to get better, smarter right?  and I did! I researched, I learned every possible thing I could learn via internet, and still I amounted losses? but within that travel I found psth, the most investor friendly spac, read all up on it, invested a hefty sum, bill akman is a bettter investor than I am right? But the [REDACTED] hit the fan metaphorically speaking, and the losses are great as of now, i hold no ILL will, I mean we have to accept responsibilities for our decisions right? But I do believe the sparc, is a new and novel way to help some one like me aka the little guy, to have a level playing field,  and I truly do believe this, take it from someone who comes from nothing, to almost having somthing, but I will say that mofo should have to consummate a deal with the original psth.