Subject: Support for SR - NYSE - 2021 - 45
From: Abhay Mahagaokar

Aug. 27, 2021

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To whom this may concern,
My name is Abhay Mahagaokar and I am writing to give support to SR - NYSE - 2021 -45.
I support SR - NYSE - 2021 - 45 because 
Have been a SPAC Investor for over 2 years Other than transparency, Sponsor validation, the biggest issue is opportunity cost for Retail Investors, especially in light of delays introduced by SEC (rightly) average time money is held in trust is almost 18-22 months SPARCs will eliminate that and allow retail smaller investors to use money effectively in the ensuing time (albeit till commitment date) 
I ask that the SEC support SR - NYSE – 45.
Abhay Mahagaokar
9 Bellegrove Ct.
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
(732) 979 1852