Subject: Comments on File Number SR-NYSE-2021-45
From: Scott Daughtry

Aug. 27, 2021

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To whom it may concern, 

I'm writing to comment and give support to SR-NYSE-2021-45. As a retail investor, a subscription warrant is positive for the following reasons as outlined by the NYSE rule change proposal: 

A subscription based warrant or SPARC (special purpose aquisition rights company) will help to: 
Promote just and equitable principles of trade. Remove impediments to and perfect the mechanism of free and open market and national market system Protect investors and the public interest Facilitate the listing and trading of an additional type of security that will enhance competition among market participants, *to the benefit of investors and the marketplace* Alleviate discrimination between customers, issuers, brokers, or dealers. 

I am requesting that you please take a look at the benefits to all investors as outlined in the proposal (especially for smaller retail investors like myself) and expeditiously rule in favor of the proposal. Thank you very much for your time. 


Scott Daughtry 
11301 Bastogne Loop 
Austin, TX 78739