Subject: Release No. 34-93221; File No. SR-NYSE-2021-45
From: Sean Dirkin

Oct. 05, 2021

Self-Regulatory Organizations; New York Stock Exchange LLC; Notice of Designation of a Longer Period for Commission Action on Proposed Rule Change Proposing to Adopt Listing Standards for Subscription Warrants Issued by a Company Organized Solely for the Purpose of Identifying an Acquisition Target 

Dear Mr DeLesDernier, 

I trust you are well. 

The above NYSE rule change has had the designated date for Commission action extended from 45 days to 90 days to allow time to consider the rule change and comments. 

In summary, 107 of the 110 comments support the rule change, 2 oppose and 1 expresses concerns. 

Importantly, one of the main benefits of the rule mentioned in many of the comments, is that it enables over $100 billion of investor cash currently held in trust by SPACs to be returned to shareholders and replaced by the more efficient subscription warrants. 

With this in mind, I believe all investors would welcome the approval of the rule as soon as possible, if not within 45 days then as soon as possible thereafter. Anything you could do to speed the process would be much appreciated. 

Yours Sincerely, 
Sean Dirkin