Subject: File Number SR-NYSE-2021-45
From: Bob Miller

Aug. 26, 2021

To whom this may concern:

I am a retail investor and support SR-NYSE-2021-45. A subscription warrant would theoretically allow folks like me to gain access to investing in companies (that are now almost always beyond our reach) without needing to tie up our limited capital for excessively long periods of time.
This model also supports the ability for retail investors to better vet and examine fully a potential transaction before fronting monies -- partially leveling the playing field we share with institutional investors that routinely cast their wide nets into various vehicles.

While SPACs have given retail investors access to many early-stage high growth companies, the speculative nature of the vehicle along with sponsor and promoter cuts have led to many unrealistic valuations. Approving SR-NYSE-2021-45 will alleviate many of these concerns while still granting retail investor access to either high-growth early-stage companies or mature revenue-generating companies. This rule change will further protect investors and further facilitate better capital information.

I appreciate your review and consideration of SR-NYSE-2021-45. Thank you.

Robert Miller