Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2024-001
From: Viet Quang Dang

The advancement of science, technology, and globalization have been intertwined with the longstanding goal of the United States to become the world's capital and the beacon of the finest values of globalization. This has led to the formation of what we refer to as "American values". This has resulted in the highest level of productivity globally, evident across all sectors. Such achievement stems from the trust and confidence bestowed upon the United States by the global community, which has been earned through historical experiences. Transparency and goodness are vital in preserving both the essence of American values and the lives of its citizens. Thus, when the state deals with requests or demands from individuals or entities, including those that require secrecy, it must adhere strictly to the principle without exceptions. Secrecy is only justified when it does not result in direct or indirect loss of property or benefits for any individual or entity, and when it does not pose a threat to the nation (USA). To prevent it from becoming a breeding ground for fraudulent asset designs, it must comply with the principles and regulations set forth by the state. It is the responsibility of the state to disclose and make public any amendments to these regulations in the most direct, understandable, and accessible manner. This ensures that everyone is quickly informed and can comprehend and implement the laws and regulations, especially within the legal and business domains. This serves as the paramount criterion for evaluating a nation's level of civilization. Thank you.