Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-801 and SR-NSCC-2021-003
From: Nicholaus Knott

Apr. 20, 2022



I am an retail investor actively involved in our market. I was informed and read through the proposed rules and changes of SR-NSCC-2022-801 and SR-NSCC-2021-003 and was mortified to find not only a lack of consideration for the retail investors; But also the lack of transparency these changes would introduce to our market. The bail out these would provide for larger institutions would lead to even further market abuse and creation/manipulation of loopholes by these institutions. The average retail investor already has the deck stacked against them when entering the market, these rules would skew the balance of the market even further towards those “too big to fail” institutions. The middle and lower economic classes are already suffering enough while the upper class profits from the pandemic and recent market volatility, these rule changes serve to only widen the gap between poor and rich, they will also hurt smaller and budding businesses looking to recover or grow. The large institutions would be free to play with funds they do not possess to dictate who will succeed or fail in the market and the NSCC would be aiding in this dictatorship. Please do not let these rules destroy the worlds faith in our market. Thank you for your time. 

A concerned investor, 
Nicholaus Knott