Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-801
From: BrovietWalrus N/A

Apr. 20, 2022

To whom it may concern, 

I'll make this very simple. 

In 2008, there was a STAUNCH promise after the grandfathering in of fails-to-deliver that neither this nor ANYTHING like it would EVER HAPPEN AGAIN. 

For once in your lives, hold these DOMESTIC TERRORISTS' feet to the fucking fire. The very existence of the world economy depends on it. For if you do not, I truly fear what is on the horizon for this nation. I wouldn't be around to see it, however, and neither would ANY American with the means to go elsewhere. 

The general public may not grasp what is at stake, but millions of global citizens do, and you are playing with proverbial fire for what may very well be the last time. 
