Subject: Proposed Rule SR-NSCC-2022-801
From: Nick Hyslop

Apr. 20, 2022


The below is a comment regarding File Number SR-NSCC-2022-801. 

As a retail trader, this rule worries me and questions my overall confidence in the US financial markets. 
I have read the filing and it is clear to me that this further reduces the amount of transparency and accountability for large institutions. We need more, not less. 

This will encourage avoidance, through onward lending and further reduce the markets ability to carry out its intended, true and fair price discovery. 

This also drastically reduces the previously infinite risk involved with naked shorting, which is illegal and supposed to be disincentivised, due to being a very high risk play. 

Absolutely all of the benefits of this rule are focused towards the players incessantly shorting securities within the market, and all of the downsides are felt by everyone on the other side of said shorts. 

As an international investor in US securities, I am extremely disappointed that this rule is being considered. It is seriously making me thibk about where i want to invest my money. I hope that you will consider retail more going forward, because as more and more people gain interest, more and more are put off again by the blatant unfairness. 

I am one of millions watching very closely at what happens next. 

Kindest regards, 
A worried retail investor. 

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