Subject: Comments on SR-NSCC-2022-801 & -803
From: Matthew Keene

Apr. 20, 2022


Correct me if I'm wrong this rule states in layman's terms that the NSCC understands the ridiculous amount of FTDs and wants another complicated way to make sure they never are delivered? 

This rule is garbage and another unfair marker tool to screw retail investors out of a fair chance. You've allowed brokers and funds to overleverage more money than exists and this would just implement more non transparent shady dealings that would eventually lead to a serious market event. 

We are in a recession and desperately need more transparency and some actual enforcement and fines over the amount that was gained illegally. 

Who should I lobby for fair markets and enforcement if you continue to fail at actual regulation by allowing this confiscation of rules even up for discussion. To make sure this is clear. I am a retail investor and in no way for this blatant manipulation