Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-801
From: Justin Tant

Apr. 20, 2022


To Whom It May Concern: 

Failure to Deliver begins with the word "failure". As a retail investor, I am dumbstruck by the fact that the new proposed rule would allow this failure to not only continue, but worsen. This would clearly allow even more abuses by market makers who are already blatantly abusing the market...not to mention abusing the law itself and all US citizens (regardless of whether they are investors as well) through actions that will lead to more economic instability, inflation, bailouts, etc. 

This proposed rule may seem as though it is a great short term solution, but so is sticking bubble gum into a newly-formed crack in a dam. (The dam in this example is holding back even more economic corruption that the SEC is supposed to protect against.) 

Similar proposals have been rejected by you in the past. Please add this one to that pile, and make an effort to not bring it up again. In fact, just make an effort of any kind. That would be a great start. 

Your lack of following through on your duties to protect all investors and offer a free and fair market are weakening the US in the eyes of the world and turning the US stock market into a joke. 

Payment For Order Flow is harmful to retail investors and unfairly benefits Market Makers and brokers who do not have investors' best interest in mind. Another worthy target for your attention would be to shut down the abusive use of dark pools by market makers such as Citadel which has been used to undermine the true value of securities traded by retail investors and to suppress price discovery. 

Thank you in advance for your timely attention to this matter, and please live up to your obligations and help the investors from predatory behavior by financial institutions. 


Justin Tant