Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-801
From: Dana Hazzard Jr

Apr. 20, 2022

As a taxpayer, citizen of the United States of America, and a retail investor, I urge the SEC to withdraw this proposal immediately and without delay.
As convoluted as it has been written, the entirety of this rule seems to center around the benefit of short selling institutions and hedge funds. The Fire Sale Risk Mitigation comment appears to allow the continued bad behavior of short sellers and not provide enough deterrent to prevent such risky investments. The rules should provide enough balance between risk and reward to curtail the extremes that we have seen the past 20+ years and not to favor one 

Additionally, this is written in a way that appears to allow the avoidance of FTD settlement which is effectively theft against retail and prevents true market mechanics from functioning.

It is becoming apparent that more and more of the proposals submitted are to the benefit of institutions actively engaged in activities against US businesses. 

I do not think I am not alone in stating the markets of the US are becoming less and less fair and equitable for the retail investor. 


Dana Hazzard Jr