Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-801
From: brennan B

Apr. 20, 2022

The proposed rule change SR-NSCC-2022-801, complete undermines retail investors right to a fair market. 

this rule allows Market Makers and Hedge funds the ability to continue along the path of 

Abusing Short Selling in the form of creating Synthetic Stock certificates. 

This rule in no way benefits Retail Investors. 

this is the third iteration of this rule being proposed, it has been rejected twice and should not be allow to even be proposed. 

Please reject this rule and move our markets one small step towards being free and fair as they should be 

I have belief the market can become better, but the Crime allowed by Market Makers in the form of Payment for Order Flow and Abusive Dark Pool routing and allowance to create synthetic stock shares needs to be stopped. rules like this only encourage the illegal behaviors and hurt retail investors. 

Thank you