Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-801 and SR-NSCC-2022-03
From: Kyle West

Apr. 20, 2022

To whom it may concern;
As a retail investor who takes pride in performing extensive research and time learning the inner workings of the United States trading markets, I have recently learned and studied the proposed rule of SR-NSCC-2022-801 and SR-NSCC-2022-03. I have significant concerns regarding the significant masking of a transparent and fair market structure with the adoption of these rules. They once again do not take into consideration the retail investor and continue to provide numerous loopholes for institutions and hedge funds to continue to perform unjust trading practices. I am a healthcare professional, someone who has spent numerous years educating myself in a completely different field, and by spending only a few hours overseeing and studying these documents, I can see the very obvious ways this would negatively impact our country. It is with significant emphasis that I bring my concerns to you as a retail investor and as an American citizen that these rules are not adopted as I feel this would significantly damage the equality, fairness, and ethical standards that I expect from a governing body such as SEC. I thank you for your time with reading this concerned email. I look forward to your response as this review period continues and comes to a conclusion.

Kyle West